One Investor’s Journey to the EB-5 Visa, Part 1


When Raj* reached out to the U.S. Regional Center Group, he had done his due diligence and knew the EB-5 visa program was the best option for himself and his family. It would allow him, his wife, and their three children to live and work in the U.S. permanently without any need for renewal regardless of employment or academic situation. One of the reasons that Raj and his wife were interested in emigrating to America was to more easily send their children to American universities. They knew if they were legally residing in U.S. before their kids applied to colleges, they could save thousands of dollars in tuition costs.

Raj had been looking into multiple regional centers to find the best fit to help him pursue this immigration path. He was aware of the talk of fraud that often tarnishes the EB-5 visa’s reputation, and he wanted to make sure to work with a regional center that was fully compliant with all of the USCIS and U.S. Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations in order to avoid the mistakes that people sometimes make when attempting to cut corners. During his research he came across regional centers that sold securities using broker-dealers and some that did not. When Raj asked the U.S. Regional Center Group about this, he was informed that the SEC regulations require the use of a broker-dealer to sell securities, and once Raj learned this, he was easily able to narrow down his list of potential regional centers to work with.

He then started looking at the project history of each regional center. He wanted to work with a regional center that had a good track record of successful visa applications and whose projects were structured to maximize visa success. Raj also wanted a regional center that was not owned by the real estate developer of the project. This was to prevent any potential conflicts of interest and ensure that the regional center would have his best interests at heart as the EB-5 investor. After getting basic information from a USRC Group representative, Raj was connected with a broker-dealer who went over the financial details of the investment and available projects. USRC Group satisfied all of Raj’s criteria for a regional center; he decided to apply for his EB-5 visa through the U.S. Regional Center Group.

Stay tuned to find out the next steps that Raj took, with the help of the U.S. Regional Center Group, to pursue his American dream.



*Raj is a fictional investor based on the experiences of multiple clients of the U.S. Regional Center Group

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